BRC has already implemented many sustainable initiatives to progress towards a Net Zero future, these include:
- The installation of a 360kW PV system on top of Racecourse Village Shopping Centre which diverts approx. 300 tonnes of carbon emissions each year. Since installation we have now saved over 1100 Tonnes of CO2 from being released into the atmosphere. Due to the generation of solar, BRC is a part of the LGC scheme and generates LGC’s which we either retain or transfer.
- A waste management program that diverts approximately 2,500 Tonnes of organic waste from landfill each year.
- A waste separation program operating back of house on race days that is instrumental in stopping waste contamination and diverting further waste from general landfill; this ensures each type of waste reaches its appropriate destination.
- A 6-star Green Star rating for Bernborough Ascot. This indicates world leadership in sustainable design and building and is the first retirement village in Australia to be awarded this rating.
- Ceasing the use of single use plastics in all venues across the BRC banner.
- Upgrading light fittings and refrigeration equipment to more efficient options to reduce excessive energy consumption across the BRC.
- Maintaining our tracks with water harvested from the roofs of the in-field stables.
- Partnering with Containers for Change (COEX) to divert containers and bottles from landfill to recycle and refund points. Since June 2022 BRC and COEX have diverted over 20,000 containers from landfill and filtered them to refund centers.
- BRC currently maintains a fully equipped plant nursery located at Doomben Racecourse infield. The nursery helps to reduce waste by reusing materials such as pots & planters and helps maintain a diverse harmony of different plants.
- The Club has purchased two Flowhive’s which will see the addition of two bee hives. BRC intends to use the homegrown organic honey and include it into our premium food & beverage menus.
Through the continued success of the above initiatives BRC continues to investigate further projects, these include:
- BRC is currently calling for Expressions of Interest for further PV systems for Eagle Farm and Doomben Racetracks. The result if successful will see further solar utilized and less reliance on the grid.
- Investigating options to divert almost all of the waste at BRC to energy creation projects.
- Through our continued partnership, COEX & BRC are in the process of expanding the scheme into BRC’s various Licensed Clubs it operates.
We aim to further develop our knowledge on all thing's sustainability and partner with everyone who makes up the BRC family including trainers, members, race day goers and staff combined with the wider community to help achieve Net Zero.
As such, we are proud to say;
“Brisbane Racing Club is committed to moving towards Net Zero with integrity.”

360kW PV system on top of Racecourse Village Shopping Centre.

Fully equipped plant nursery located at Doomben Racecourse infield.

Recent repair and maintenance of main gates at Eagle Farm. Click Here to view certificate of completion.